In the beginning the earth was formless and empty (Genesis 1:2). Eden was the name of the place on earth where God created everything. It was in this place that he planted a garden, which became mankind’s first home.
Based on what we can read about the garden in the book of Genesis, I can only imagine how beautiful it was. God had made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground, trees that were not only pleasing to the eye, but also good for food (Genesis 2:9). The land provided nourishment and nutrition, watered by a river flowing from the garden (Genesis 2:10). There were all kinds of wild animals and birds in the sky (Genesis 2:19), and everything existed in perfect harmony. Adam and Eve lacked nothing because God had already designed and provided everything that they needed. It was a place of provision, fellowship and unity, not just between the man and woman, but also with God. A place where they could meet with God. He himself was heard “walking in the garden in the cool of the day” (Genesis 3:8).
The disobedience of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 was the reason they lost their home, their special fellowship with God, and access to the tree of life. God judged them with death, but even in the midst of His judgment, there also was His mercy. He covered their nakedness, and despite there now being a curse on mankind, there was promise of God’s provision for a Savior who would take the curse upon Himself. Jesus would come and pay the price for the sin of all who would ever believe in Him, and because of His death and resurrection, He is victorious over Satan and death.
It is through faith in Jesus that our relationship with God is reconciled and we now live a life with eyes looking forward to what is to come. This collection brings hope of an eternity with God, enjoying His very presence (just as Adam and Eve once did in the garden). Eden will be restored one day, and all those who believe in Jesus will get to be with the God forever! What better place is there to be?
”You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.“ (Psalms 16:11)